When changing the credit card amount

カード金額変更 / Change amount (English)
カード決済キャンセル / Card cancel (English)
カード締め日 / Card closing date (English)
本人確認 / Identity Verification (English)


※ご利用のカードの締め日をまたいで金額変更が行われた等の理由によりすでに変更前の金額でご請求が入っている場合でございましても、後日、自動的にカード会社より修正・返金が行なわれます。 また、詳細な金額修正方法や修正時期につきましてはご購入者様とカード会社とのご契約内容に依存いたしますため、ご購入者様よりカード会社へ直接お問い合わせいただきますようお願いいたします(個人情報のため、ご本人様からの直接のお問い合わせが必要となります)。

When changing the amount of credit card payment, the card company's approval is re-approved with the changed amount, so there is a possibility that the usage history before and after the change remains temporarily. However, the bill to be confirmed will be the changed payment amount for one case. Please be assured. Due to the system, we will change the amount from this shop, but it is impossible to increase the number of payments. * Even if you have already been billed for the amount before the change due to reasons such as the amount being changed across the closing date of the card you are using, the card company will automatically correct and refund it at a later date. I will. In addition, since the detailed amount adjustment method and adjustment time depend on the contract details between the purchaser and the card company, please contact the card company directly from the purchaser. * Because it is personal information, direct inquiries from the person are required.



決済時にカード会社の与信を取得している関係上、 一時的にカード会社より請求が入っている可能性がございます。 ご請求が入っている場合でも、自動的にカード会社より 修正・返金が行なわれますのでご安心ください。 また、具体的な修正時期・返金方法につきましては ご購入者様とカード会社とのご契約内容に依存いたしますため、 ご購入者様より直接カード会社へ お問い合わせいただきますようお願いいたします。個人情報となりますため、ご本人様からの確認が必要となります。
デビットカードを利用している場合 一時的に口座から変更前の金額で引落が実施されている可能性がございますが、 同様にカード会社より自動的に修正・返金が行なわれますのでご安心ください。

Cancellation of credit card payment

There is a possibility that the card company has temporarily invoiced you because you have obtained the credit of the card company at the time of payment. Even if there is a request, the card company will automatically correct and refund it. Please be assured. In addition, since the specific correction time and refund method depend on the contract details between the purchaser and the card company, please contact the card company directly from the purchaser. * Because it is personal information, confirmation from the person is required.
If your order is automatically canceled for some reason, your credit card payment will also be canceled.
If you are using a debit card There is a possibility that the amount before the change is temporarily deducted from your account, but please be assured that the card company will automatically correct and refund as well.





You cannot change or cancel your credit card amount after the closing date at the end of the month. If it is necessary to change or cancel the amount even after the deadline, we will respond by bank transfer, registered mail, or PayPal.

クレジットカードの決済が何かしらの理由で不可の場合、返金の処理にかかる日数は受注から70日以内とさせていただきます。何卒ご了承いただきますようお願いいたします。如果由於某些原因無法提供信用卡金額,則退款將在收到訂單後的70天?進行處理。感謝您的理解。If the credit card amount is not available for some reason, the refund will be processed within 70 days of receiving the order. Thank you for your understanding.