Delivery Date
If your shipment is delayed
お急ぎの場合はこちら 有料配送サービスのご案内
遅延している場合はこちら / If your shippment is delayed
- 複数回ご購入や、購入数制限があるにもかかわらず複数回にわたってご購入されるお客様は審査が必要となるので発送までにお時間がかかります。
- 特殊な交通事情や天災・気候などの関係で配送がどうしても遅れる場合がございます。何卒ご理解いただきますようお願いいたします。
- 決済完了分に限ります。Limited to payment completed.
- 土日祝日は配送お休みです。Closed on weekends and holidays.
- 夏期休業、年末年始休業を除きます。Excludes summer holidays and year-end and New Year holidays.
- 個別に詳細な発送日のご案内はしておりません。We do not provide individual shipping date information.
- 発送が完了しましたら配送業者のお問い合わせ番号とあわせてメールさせていただきます。When the shipment is complete, we will email you with the shipping company's inquiry number.
- 配送先住所に誤りがある場合がございます。追ってご連絡させていただきます。そのため発送に遅延が生じる場合がございます。
- 購入数制限のある商品の制限以上の購入の場合、審査にお時間を頂戴する場合がございます。
If your shipment is delayed
- The shipping address may be incorrect. We will contact you shortly. Therefore, shipping may be delayed.
- If you purchase more than the limit of products with a purchase limit, it may take time to review.
- "Today's delivery status" will change.
- For weekday orders, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are not business days, so they are not included in the shipping period.
- If the order date is Saturday, Sunday, or a public holiday, it will not be included in the shipping period.
- Limited to payment completed.It is the schedule from the completion of payment.
- Despite the limited number of purchases, customers who make multiple purchases will need to be screened, so it may take some time to ship.
- We do not provide individual shipping dates.