TAX, TARIFF, IMPORT TAX, Fees for overseas shipping
There is no 10% sales tax. 10% overseas shipping fee will be charged.
In other words, there is no increase or decrease in the amount displayed in the site cart.
The overseas shipping fee includes the fee for preparing multiple export declaration documents.
Customs duties are the responsibility of the purchaser.
Other taxes
・Import tax may apply in some countries. It is the customer's expense(Customer pays upon arrival).・If you do not pay the customs duty and it is returned to Japan, it will be "Cancellation for your convenience".Click here for "Cancellation for your convenience".
・Import duty rules vary from country to country. Especially for large purchases, please check in your country before ordering.
・Depending on the country and shipping company, customs fees may be charged after you receive them.
海外運費 沒有10%的營業?。將會收取10%的海外運費。 換句話?,站點購物車中顯示的數量沒有?加或減少。海外運費包括準備多個出口報關單證的費用。關?是購買者的責任。